I have accumulated a list of frequently asked questions so that you can access the answers you need quickly and efficiently!
1. What is my school access code to "science-fair-in-a-box"?
a) sd#23 schools: I have changed the code so that it is the 3 letter acronym for your
school (lower case).
b) private schools: I have changed the code so that it is the name of your school.
lower case. no spaces.
2. How do my students register?
a) sd#23 schools: I have changed the code so that it is the 3 letter acronym for your
school (lower case).
b) private schools: I have changed the code so that it is the name of your school.
lower case. no spaces.
2. How do my students register?
3. What is the fee for private schools this year? $15 per student. this covers the cost of all food and activities included.
4. Where can I find information about what my students need to do?
4. Where can I find information about what my students need to do?
5. What awards can my NON-COMPETITIVE STUDENTS (K-5) win?
6. What awards can my COMPETITIVE STUDENTS (6-12) win?
7. What forms do I need to make sure my students have filled out?